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South End

commercial real estate

Building design factor: Can you Instagram it?

January 18, 2020

Design meetings regularly include talk of ‘Instagrammable’ features; Generates buzz, but ‘a bit narcissistic’?

People who design buildings in the Charlotte area say they are increasingly being asked to consider…

commercial real estate

South End booms, but where to park?

November 2, 2019

As cranes rise over South End, traffic and parking become challenging; ‘the city is coming at us’

From his home behind the Lowe’s on South Boulevard, Steve Khentigan likes what he sees…

commercial real estate interview

Full interview with retired Observer business columnist Doug Smith

July 22, 2019

If you’re a Doug Smith fan like me, you’re not going to want to settle for snippets of his wisdom. You want the whole thing, with his recollections of…