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2024 N.C. General Election Voter Guide:
Everything On Your Ballot

North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance Candidates

The N.C. Commissioner of Insurance “decides which insurance companies are allowed to do business in North Carolina. The agency sets insurance rates, regulations, handles consumer complaints, and investigates fraud.” 

Current Commissioner Mike Causey has served two terms and is running for his third term.

  • Natasha Marcus


    Marcus has represented Mecklenburg County in the N.C. Senate since 2019. She was drawn out of her current N.C. Senate district when the Republican-led General Assembly drew a new map (she would have had to move to run in the current District 41). She is a former litigation attorney and worked at a non-profit to help people achieve financial security. She says she is “a strong advocate for affordable health care insurance, public schools, reproductive freedom, clean energy, common sense gun safety reform, fair elections, better wages for working people, and environmental policies to combat climate change.” She believes the current Commissioner Causey has enabled large increases to homeowner insurance rates, and she will work to deliver “affordable, reliable insurance coverage” for all North Carolinians for their homes, vehicles, businesses, and healthcare. She says she is a consistent “champion for people over corporations” and is endorsed by Jeff Jackson. In an email to The Ledger, she said, “I’m in elected office not for personal benefit, but to be a public servant and speak up for those who are marginalized, unrepresented, treated unfairly or taken advantage of by the government.” She would be the first woman elected to be N.C. Commissioner of Insurance. She has a video on her website speaking out against N.C.’s abortion restrictions. (Age 54)

    Candidate Website

  • Mike Causey


    Causey is the incumbent N.C. Commissioner of Insurance who has been in office since 2017. He ran for the office unsuccessfully four times prior to that. Causey is a military veteran and former insurance agency owner. According to his website, Causey wants to reform the Rate Bureau (“N.C. is the only remaining state with a Rate Bureau”), oppose rate hikes, crack down on insurance fraud, deliver citizen-friendly service, double the number of fraud and abuse investigators and ensure fire departments are inspected. He was recently accused of employing friends and donors in questionable roles, including as a driver. He was also involved in a bribery case from his first term, in which he wore a wire for the FBI. He has a bachelor’s and MBA from High Point University and is from Guilford County. He played trombone in the Army band. (Age 73)

    Candidate Website

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